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『粼』(せせらぎ)川は粼ぎ “Streaming River” / 『舞』鳥は舞い “Dancing Birds” /『咲』華は咲き “Blooming Flower” / 『澄』空は澄み “Clear Sky”



『霧』霧立ち籠め “Fog Envelops” / 『霞』霞がかり “Mist”

momentum 1

『咲』華は咲き  “Blooming Flower”

I’m working on my new abstract tanboku 淡墨 calligraphy series called “Momentum,” inspired by fragmented images of movements found in nature. As I can hear the footsteps of my birthday which is only a week away (!!), I’d like to release some selected works from this series as limited edition giclée prints at ART MART at Ensoma Salon & Gallery in San Francisco, an evening market offering works of art from selected local Bay Area artists.  Featured Artists include: Joseph Wood, Julia Lemke, Charles Papillo, Drew F Cameron, Sage Barlow and Maddie Todd.

Ensoma Salon & Gallery
352 6th Street, San Francisco CA 94103 | ART MART: Saturday June 13th, 2015 | 6-9pm

Please join us for this exciting evening! Light refreshments will be served.

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“創造”: Live calligraphy performance at Asia Society Northern California Annual Dinner 2015

Art Shows, Calligraphy, Events

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I performed live calligraphy “創造” (sou・zou – ‘Creation’) at Ritz-Carlton San Francisco for Asia Society Northern California 12th Annual Dinner on Tuesday, May 12th, 2015.

Inspired by the theme “Art and Power of Transformation” in Asia, I chose “創造” (sou・zou), meaning “creation” in Japanese to write for the performance. “Creation,” the action or process of bringing something anew into existence, or that has been made or invented. Sou・zou embodies creativity and innovation, forces that pervade and inspire the Bay Area.






The artwork created on the stage was sold at silent auction during the event (thank you!), and the proceeds were donated to support Asia Society Northern California.

Thank you ASNC for inviting me to perform, it was such a pleasure to share my work with over 400 honorable members of the society and leaders in various fields in San Francisco Bay Area!

*Special* thanks to:
Stage Assistant: Sunjin Kim, Kelsey Williams
Music: Onpun
Costume Dress: Ryuji Hashimoto
Kimono Dress Accessories: Hand-painted and crafted by the artist
Photos: Benjamin Marx
Event coordination: Yang Wang, Lisa Wong
& Asia Society Northern California

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Calligraphy, 随想

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I wrote this for you.


“Sadness gives depth. Happiness gives height. Sadness gives roots. Happiness gives branches. Happiness is like a tree going into the sky, and sadness is like the roots going down into the womb of the earth. Both are needed, and the higher a tree goes, the deeper it goes, simultaneously. The bigger the tree, the bigger will be its roots. In fact, it is always in proportion. That’s its balance.” 

― Osho


“True happiness is to enjoy the present, without anxious dependence upon the future, not to amuse ourselves with either hopes or fears but to rest satisfied with what we have, which is sufficient, for he that is so wants nothing. The greatest blessings of mankind are within us and within our reach. A wise man is content with his lot, whatever it may be, without wishing for what he has not.” 

― Seneca


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Featured in T’s Pool Magazine by Takara Leben

Calligraphy, Media, Publications

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When I was back in Japan last year, I was interviewed by T’s Pool Magazine, issued by Takara Leben, a mansion developer company in based in Tokyo.I received a copy of the magazine in mail a few weeks ago, here in Berkeley. My article was spanned over the first 4 pages as well as the cover of the magazine on its January 2015 issue. Wow, I feel very flattered. I was also commissioned to write a kanji character for the New Year – something that symbolizes my wish for how I want my and everyone’s year of 2015 to be. I chose “耀”, which means “shine” in Japanese, wishing that your year to be flourishing and shining with full of creativity and energy.



As I was reading through the interview, revisiting memories of my past works, I realize how fortunate and thankful I am to be surrounded by many talented creative minds who I have collaborated with to create beautiful art, and broadened my horizons; who share passions to strive for the better and the world unseen.

I hope that sharing my work with people in the world also inspire others to create something new – like how others always do to me. I have been working on many new exciting projects and commission works since I moved into the new atelier, so hope to share them with you soon!


As credited in the magazine,

Special thanks to:
T’s Pool / Takara Leben / Advans Works
Akko Terasawa
Tokio Kuniyoshi of Shooting Life LLC
Flower Couture / Aya Tanaka / Nanako Yano / Akira
Waylan Choy
Tomo Saito
Sacramento Taiko Dan
Asian Art Museum
Caroline Wachsmuth
La Boutique
Sebastian Plano
Celine Parker
Yoram Savion
The New Republic / Erick Fletes
Consulate General of Japan in San Francisco
Ikebana International
and always and forever Ben Marx and my family.

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Live Japanese Calligraphy Demonstration at UC Davis

Calligraphy, Events

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Calligraphy at UC Davis


先日、UC Davisにて開催された、Contikiという学生・若者対象の旅行会社主催の世界の様々な文化を体感できるイベントにて、日本文化を代表してライブ書道をというご依頼をいただきました。今回は午前10時から午後3時までの1日限りのイベントということで、UC Davisの学生さん達のリクエストに合わせて、小さなカードに一文字揮毫というスタイルでの書道ブースを用意しました。沢山の学生さん達が行列を作って並んでくれ、私のセレクトした漢字リストを手に、みんなどれにしようかと長々と悩む様子が微笑ましく、会話も弾んで楽しい時間を過ごしました。からりと晴れて直射日光の眩しい大学構内の中央広場にて、4時間で一人一人と接しながら130枚程を揮毫。帰りにはもちろんへとへとでしたが、、みんなどうもありがとう!

それぞれの将来に向けて勉学に励む若い大学生のみなさんに、「志」(ambition)という文字が一番響いたようです。二番目に人気だったのは、「悠」という漢字。「悠々自適」の意味から、”free from worldly care” と訳したのですが、この二つの漢字の間で悩む子も多く、期末試験に進路にと、悩めるお年頃は解放と自由を求めているんだよーと笑いながら教えてくれました。そのほかには、「愛」「美」「求」「信」なども多くありました。年齢層によって、それぞれの心に響く言葉が異なるというのは面白いですね。今後も様々な年齢層と接していく上で、観察していきたいなと思うテーマになりました :)


I was asked to demonstrate Japanese calligraphy live on campus at UC Davis for Contiki, a worldwide leading traveling agency in tours for 18-35s. This one-day event offers students to experience elements of various cultures from the world. I set up a booth representing Japanese culture, where students can make a request for me to write a Kanji character on a small card. I selected 30 Kanji characters for students to choose from, including popular ones such as “love”, “beauty,” “dream” and lots of other my favorites. In the afternoon, there was a long line at my table waiting to see calligraphy card written! It was great to see students’ faces holding the word sheet, trying to decide one character – and I really enjoyed speaking with every one of them. On such a sunny day under the bright direct sunlight, I wrote about 130 cards in about 4 hours. Thank you all for coming by and sharing moments with me!

What I found interesting from this all-day event at UC Davis was that the most popular Kanji character was “志 (ambition).” I thought that this character probably resonated with young college students because of their age – paving their own path for their dreams and careers, with big ambition in their heart. The second popular character was “悠 (free from worldly care)” (as it is in 悠々自適: yu-yu-ji-teki, free from worldly care / in comfort).  A couple students told me that they study so hard everyday for presentations and exams and they want to be free from everything that they are dealing with. Other popular characters were “愛 (love),” “美 (beauty),” “求 (seeking),” and “信 (believe).” I love how college students’ choices of word characterize their age and a certain stage in our lives. This discovery has become a new theme that I look forward to observe in my future events :)

Once again – thank you for all who I met at UC Davis, and I look forward to see you again!


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Interview by DMM Eikaiwa: DMM英会話ブログインタビュー掲載

Calligraphy, Media, Publications

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“Who you are defines what you do.”




I was interviewed by DMM Eikaiwa, an English-learning school and online tutoring company in Japan. The article is on their blog site (written in Japanese), you can access from here:

I talked about various topics including my experiences of studying abroad and now working-professional as a calligraphy artist. As I was answering questions by the interviewer, I was reminiscing old memories of when I just came to the United States 11 years ago – wow time flies – I vividly remember numbers of crazy happenings and troubles that I would’ve never experienced if I were in Japan, and now I can laugh all about them. It was like I, all of a sudden, was dropped into a whole new world where all the familiar technologies, language and culture were gone. I had sleepless nights studying, falling asleep on couch or on the desk, and tried my best to adjust to the environment. It was not easy to communicate in a language that I couldn’t comprehend 100% at all times, but it rewarded me so much when I was able to share feelings with others. We all nurture our abilities in a society through communication, especially in such a multi-cultural country like United States. You have to stand up for yourself, and protect yourself. Language ability plays a big role in our society. It’s the environment that nourishes you, and it’s your strong will that makes you grow.

At the end of the interview, I told three English phrases / quote that I love. My favorite is “Who you are defines what you do.” I wrote this phrase in calligraphy a few years ago. I look at it as a reminder in my life, and meditate on it especially when I feel lost, or when I feel lack of confidence. “Who am I?” “Why do I do what I do?” This phrase helps me to answer these questions, and bring me back the brightness in life.

What is your favorite quote?

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“Youth” – 「若さ」

Calligraphy, Uncategorized, 随想

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"Youth" by Grandpa

“Youth” -「若さ」 Quote by Samuel Ullman, written by my grandfather Genchu Yamaguchi


On January 30th, my grandfather passed away.
Today, February 19th is his “mi-nano-ka” (Buddhist service on the 21st day to mourn for the death).

We knew that it was coming sooner or later, but it was only three days after I landed back in San Francisco – I heard from my mother that my grandpa is in critical condition. I immediately booked a flight and flew right back to Japan. Everything happened so fast. And it felt like it was the longest flight I’ve ever taken in my life.

After 22 hours of traveling, I arrived at the hospital in Sapporo around 5pm and I was able to see him breathing. He has lost his consciousness already that his body was just instinctively breathing, while his heart was still weakly beating. Time was ticking – the doctor was not sure if he will make it until my sister arrives from Denmark, but we kept talking to grandpa — please stay alive, keep breathing until she gets here to see you — and all of us witnessed how strong my grandpa’s heart was that he stayed with us until my sister arrived at 10pm. My entire family and I were able to see him off together. After midnight, he passed away very slowly and peacefully.

My grandfather left us hope than sadness when he was gone. He made us believe in physical and mental strength in our family’s blood, and more than anything, he taught us the meaning of life – that we all live for love.

He was very good at calligraphy when he was young. He left us his beautiful handwritten quote from Samuel Ullman’s poetry “Youth.”  It was on a bookshelf in our library room in the house since when I was little.  I wanted to take a moment and share this beautiful quote and a piece of work; when I sit with this piece, each phrase deeply resonates with me. It’s written in a unique order and different from Ullman’s original, but this is how grandpa wrote in his order:



You are as young as your faith, as old as your doubt;
as young as your self‐confidence, as old as your fear,
as young as your hope, as old as your despair.

Nobody grows old merely living by a number of years;
we grow old only by deserting our ideals.

Years may wrinkle the skin,
but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.

Poem by Samuel Ullman



三週間前 – 新たな生活&制作活動拠点を構築すべく、サンフランシスコに戻ってきてからたった3日後、母から祖父危篤との連絡が。すぐに航空券を取り、次の日の夕方にはサンフランシスコを飛び立った。心のどこか落ち着かないフライトの末の渡米、アトリエ探しに精を出しながらちょうど祖父に送る手紙を書いていた矢先の連絡。溢れる涙をこらえきれず、この北海道までのフライトが人生で一番長いものに感じた。













人は信念と共に若く 疑惑と共に老ゆる
人は自信と共に若く 恐怖と共に老ゆる
希望ある限り若く 失望と共に老い朽ちる



Youth                                               Samuel Ullman

Youth is not a time of life ― it is a state of mind;
it is a temper of the will,
a quality of the imagination,
a vigor of the emotions,
a predominance of courage over timidity,
of the appetite for adventure over love of ease.

Nobody grows old by merely living a number of years;
people grow old only by deserting their ideals.
Years wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.
Worry, doubt, self‐distrust, fear and despair ―
these are the long, long years that bow the head
and turn the growing spirit back to dust.

Whether seventy or sixteen,
there is in every being’s heart the love of wonder,
the sweet amazement at the stars and the starlike things and thoughts,
the undaunted challenge of events,
the unfailing childlike appetite for what next,
and the joy and the game of life.

You are as young as your faith, as old as your doubt;
as young as your self‐confidence, as old as your fear,
as young as your hope, as old as your despair.

So long as your heart receives messages of beauty,
cheer, courage, grandeur and power from the earth,
from man and from the Infinite,
so long you are young.

When the wires are all down
and all the central place of your heart is covered with the snows
of pessimism and the ice of cynicism,
then you are grown old indeed
and may God have mercy on your soul.


Rest in peace, my grandpa – Your spirit will stay with us forever.

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We’ve moved! New Atelier in North Berkeley, California


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New Atelier

flowers in the light
As of January 29th, 2015, we are relocating back to the beloved Bay Area! We’ve moved to a new place & atelier space in North Berkeley, California. It’s a very bright beautiful space with tons of natural light from the skylights, right by the Berkeley Marina and 4th street shopping area. Once the atelier space is all set up, I’m planning to start a calligraphy lessons and workshops as well – official announcement will be sometime in March, so please stay tuned!

1月29日を以って、愛しのベイエリアに戻ってきました!サンフランシスコのお隣町、バークレーの北側に位置する、素敵なアトリエ付きのロフト物件に入居しました。たくさんの天窓から差し込む眩しいお日様で一日中明るいこのスペースを拠点に、また新たな制作活動をしていこうと思っています。バークレーマリナに近く、海がすぐそこに見え、おしゃれな4th streetのショッピングエリア沿いにあるとても便利な場所です。アトリエが出来上がってきたら、書道教室も始めていく予定なので、ご希望の方はぜひご一報くださいね。3月以降にまた、詳細をアップします。


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2015年、私が大切にしたいもの「心」: “Heart / Mind” – My resolution for 2015

Calligraphy, 随想

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「心」Kokoro: Heart / Mind




First time in many years, I spent “Japanese style” New Years with my family in Japan this Winter. It made me realize how much I love Japan – we had New Year “toshikoshi” soba to celebrate the beginning of the new year, as well as “Ozoni”, a bowl of mochi and vegetables in a warm broth, to wish for health and well-being. We went to “hatsumo-de”, which is to visit the local shrine on the New Years day and make a wish, and picked good-luck charm and a fortune slip called “omikuji”. We laughed at old photos of our family, my mom and dad’s wedding and baby me being held in mom’s arms and smiling with my baby sister. I also instructed my family to do “kakizome”, writing new-years resolution in calligraphy, which turned out to be so much fun. I got to spend traditional way of celebrating New Years with family and my love, and feeling so warmed up inside. I came back to my family home in Hokkaido, and wrote my own “kakizome” (my new year’s resolution):

心 kokoro : “Heart / Mind”

— This is what I want to cherish and value the most in each work I complete and with everyone I’ll interact with this year, wherever I am in the world. I believe that if you put your heart in what you do, it should resonate with others; when you craft with care and heart it should move others; if you put your heart into a simple “thank you” when you tell it, it should touch another.

For challenges I will overcome, each character I will be writing with my brush, each one of you I will meet, and for you reading this post – with all my heart.


Photo by Benyamin Marx

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Goodbye, 2014: Hello 2015!

As to celebrate 10 years anniversary since I moved to the United States, I have spent most of the year of 2014 in Japan, revisiting my roots and figuring out new directions in my creative life.

This year, I have decided to return to San Francisco and will be working based in the Bay Area. I am excited to begin another journey anew, traveling across the globe, sharing the beauty of Japanese calligraphy. I wish to go visit more places that I’ve never been, meet new people and share moments through the art of calligraphy. Thank you so much for your friendship and continuing support – which I cannot live without!

Wishing you all a happy new year!

Aoi Yamaguchi

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