Adam Flores “FROM THERE TO HERE” Opening

Art Shows

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Adam Flores Solo Exhibition “FROM THERE TO HERE” @ Gallery Heist, opening last night.  I was trying to get there early to help out preparing the show but my car’s engine started to shake like having a seizure, all of a sudden – and finally made it out there  with my friend’s car.

Fresh, deep and refined.  I need to take a minute to contemplate in front of these works again.

Mike Giant just came in..

Yui first time at Heist

Lovely friends + Henry Lewis with “peaaaacccee!”

Mike & Adam.

Adam Flores & Me ;-)

Thank you everyone who came to the show. Thank you Adam Flores for your awesome works!

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水無月 – June. Born. Dream. Plan.

Art Shows, 随想

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書道講習会、ライブペイント、Group Show。そしてビザも。


June. Its’ already June…wow, so fast.
My birthday is coming up in two weeks, and I have lots of plans and tasks to accomplish this month.
Calligraphy workshop this Sunday in Sycamore, live painting at two events, group show, and VISA.
June is an important month that will determine my future – I have been planning projects, events and shows, and working to make them happen. Life is what you design, and life planning brings you excitement. I’ll try to keep updating this blog to inform what’s going on in my life & in the city!

– June 2nd is my dad’s birthday. Born 30 years before me, he is and has always been my educator, master, and my soulmate. Thank you dad, for your love and support, my life is not happening without you. Happy birthday… my love and respect for you.

今週土曜日は、Gallery Heistで6月のショー、Adam Floresの個展「FROM THERE TO HERE」のオープニングレセプションイベントがあります。私も働いていると思うので、ぜひ遊びに来てね。

This Saturday, Gallery Heist is hosting an opening reception of solo exhibition featuring Adam Flores, “FROM THERE TO HERE”. Come by and enjoy the world of Adam Flores, and don’t forget to say hi to me! ;)

INTERVIEW with ADAM FLORES (by Chris Blackstock of EAC)


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徒然哲学「余白」 – Philosophical thinking: Negative space

Calligraphy, 随想

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大切なのは、それぞれの場所に地域の特色を生かした余白をつくることです。自然でも歴史でも何でもいい。この都市の「余白」をどれだけ個性的に豊かに、共同体の記憶を刻んでいけるか。これからの社会の大きな課題の一つだと思います。」(CASA BRUTUS EXTRA ISSUE – THE COMPLETE GRAND TOUR WITH ANDO November 2006, p.186)








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Kinokuniya Bookstore “Bookmarks” project

Calligraphy, Design

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*Photo by Keiko Moriyama


(左から:Noa- / Aoi / Keiko Moriyama / Junko Maegawa)

Recent commission work: designing a bookmark for Kinokuniya Bookstore.  I provided a calligraphy art work for a Kinokuniya Bookstore SF’s bookmark (in the photo above, mine is the second one from the left).  Four artists including me from S.I.R. worked on this bookmark project: Noa- (painter), Keiko Moriyama (photographer), Junko Maegawa (graphic designer), and me as a Japanese calligrapher.  I wrote “Let’s read a book today.” in Japanese on a white background.  You can get these bookmarks at Kinokuniya Bookstore when you make purchases in the store.  During a break from work, on a holiday at a sunny cafe, or before you go to bed, let’s read books!  Hope this bookmark will be a help for your relaxing moment.

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Asian Heritage Street Celebration & GAIA @GalleryHeist

Art Shows

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I shared a booth with Taiko Fujimura, an mixed media artist based in San Francisco.  She is also a member of S.I.R. crew that I organize since the exhibition “Four Elements vol.3  EARTH”.  We arrived at the venue 8:30 in the morning, set up the booth, and welcomed visitors of the Street Fair.  Upon people’s request, I wrote their favorite words, phrases and names in Japanese on a colored origami washi paper.  Thank you everyone who stopped by the booth!

After packing everything up, I headed over to Gallery Heist.  We had an opening night for Brooklyn / Baltimore based artist GAIA.  We had stayed up all night for T-shirts printing and preparing for the show, and explored Mission / Valencia 3 in the morning to hit some walls… Super hectic, but super exciting.  It has been really inspiring days; interacting artists from East coast, immersed  myself in the street art scene, creating, talking, dancing and drinking… made me focus back to my own goal. Aim high!


Hot & Sour Soup and me.

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Calligraphy, 随想

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He said,

“I want to live in a world of beauty,”

I said,

“The beauty lives inside of you.”

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Asian Heritage Street Celebration 2010 @ Civic Center/Little Saigon

Art Shows, Events

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This Saturday May 15th, I will have a booth as a vendor at Asian Heritage Street Festival with my friend artist Taiko Fujimura.  My calligraphy pieces including recent works and hand-written cards will be available to the booth! Through this fair, you’ll be able to explore various Asian cultures from food, drink, music, art and live performances by guests from all over the world!


Saturday, May 15 2010
@ Civic Center / Little Saigon (Larkin & McAllister st)
11AM – 6PM, ALL DAY!

Official Website:
Taiko Fujimura Website:

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Night Owl.

Calligraphy, 随想

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Moon, you are good at taking a nap.

You are so eloquent while you’re awake, keeping me from falling asleep.

I became a night owl.

Because of you.

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“WIND” ー 風と共に

Art Shows, Calligraphy, Events


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Four Elements vol. 4 風 -WIND- / Saturday May 1st, 2010 / Final series of four exhibitions.

I had four Japanese calligraphy for exhibition:

We can’t see the form of wind, but we can see the force of wind in our environment – the swinging tree branches, trembling leaves, subtle scent of fragrance, sea waves, or movement of your girlfriend’s hair – in numerous ways.  My theme was to embody this invisible force of wind in three different ways in terms of its strength and seasonal characters through different styles of brush stroke techniques in Japanese calligraphy.

薫風    Balmy Zephyr

風雪   Blizzard

春風  Spring Breeze


(on the left)

疾風    Whirlwind

Live painting with Noa-. I started to write “wind” in powder blue.

Removed masking tapes of cherry blossom flower petal. Adding gold shadows.

Thinking where to write my signature next to Noa-‘s…

Thank you for watching, everyone!! ;-)

Photos by Keiko Moriyama

Last speech.

Surreality in Reality [S.I.R.] も、Four Elementsシリーズの終焉とともに2周年を迎えました。
グループとして8回のショーを開催し、ロゴコンテストの”HELLA LOGOS!!”を入れると9回ものショーになります。
毎回見に来てくれているみんな、そして今回初めて来てくれた方々、暖かい応援をどうもありがとう。みなさんのおかげで、毎回Space Galleryが埋まるほどの来訪者を達成し、それとともに私たちも、そして私自身もアーティストとして、そしてこの集団を運営していく者として成長しています。

Surreality in Reality [S.I.R.] is proud to announce that we had 2nd-year anniversary as the closure of the series of four elements. As a crew, we presented 9 shows including the logo competition “HELLA LOGOS!!” that determined the logo for Four Elements. I’d like to thank friends+fams+everyone for your warm support. We have been growing up as a group; and not to mention, I, as an artist and also as a founder of this crew, have cultivated my skills and abilities through these wonderful experiences.
Thank you – Warm energies and countless kisses to you all.

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New Work: Ramen Dojo



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ramen dojo logo


In March, I was asked to write calligraphy for a newly-opened restaurant, “Ramen Dojo” in San Mateo. Ramen is a type of egg noodle in a bowl of rich and flavorful soup, which is really popular food in Japan. Although I did a logo for them, I haven’t been there to taste their ramen so I decided to pay them a visit with my friends.
I ordered ramen with soy-sauce based soup – it was spicy, super rich, and made me want to try other kinds, Tonkotsu and Miso. I wonder why we can’t find this good ramen restaurant in San Francisco!

Ramen Dojo
805 B St. San Mateo, CA 44401

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