Four Elements vol. 4 風 -WIND- / Saturday May 1st, 2010 / Final series of four exhibitions.
I had four Japanese calligraphy for exhibition:
We can’t see the form of wind, but we can see the force of wind in our environment – the swinging tree branches, trembling leaves, subtle scent of fragrance, sea waves, or movement of your girlfriend’s hair – in numerous ways. My theme was to embody this invisible force of wind in three different ways in terms of its strength and seasonal characters through different styles of brush stroke techniques in Japanese calligraphy.
薫風 Balmy Zephyr
風雪 Blizzard
春風 Spring Breeze
(on the left)
疾風 Whirlwind
Live painting with Noa-. I started to write “wind” in powder blue.
Removed masking tapes of cherry blossom flower petal. Adding gold shadows.
Thinking where to write my signature next to Noa-‘s…
Thank you for watching, everyone!! ;-)
Photos by Keiko Moriyama
Last speech.
Surreality in Reality [S.I.R.] も、Four Elementsシリーズの終焉とともに2周年を迎えました。
グループとして8回のショーを開催し、ロゴコンテストの”HELLA LOGOS!!”を入れると9回ものショーになります。
毎回見に来てくれているみんな、そして今回初めて来てくれた方々、暖かい応援をどうもありがとう。みなさんのおかげで、毎回Space Galleryが埋まるほどの来訪者を達成し、それとともに私たちも、そして私自身もアーティストとして、そしてこの集団を運営していく者として成長しています。
Surreality in Reality [S.I.R.] is proud to announce that we had 2nd-year anniversary as the closure of the series of four elements. As a crew, we presented 9 shows including the logo competition “HELLA LOGOS!!” that determined the logo for Four Elements. I’d like to thank friends+fams+everyone for your warm support. We have been growing up as a group; and not to mention, I, as an artist and also as a founder of this crew, have cultivated my skills and abilities through these wonderful experiences.
Thank you – Warm energies and countless kisses to you all.
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