“Shō Jō Ru Ten” featured on Bucuresti TV City News

Art Shows, Calligraphy, Events, Video

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まずは、オデオン劇場での『生生流転』初公演をブカレスト•TV Cityが特集してくれたので、ここで紹介したいと思います。YouTubeでも公開されています。ぜひちら見していってください。

It’s been already a month since I finished our first show of “Shō Jō Ru Ten” with Yuko Hashimoto in Romania in June. It took a while for me to update reports here, but now I finally have time to share the stories with you — I’m gonna whip myself and start updating my blog! So many great / crazy / memorable experiences and episodes in Romania I want to share! I’ll start little by little.

Our performance was featured on Bucuresti TV News in Bucharest, Romania, and here’s its YouTube video. Please have a glance if you have a moment!

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Art Installation & Exclusive Dinner Event at Naked Kitchen coming Saturday

Art Shows, Events, Food, Music

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Integrating my art into an amazing dining experience – it is something I have been working on for a long time. Early summer, I was introduced to this place called “Naked Kitchen” on Valencia St & 20th in the Mission, SF. You might not notice this place from the outside, but it’s a hidden gem – beautiful SF’s traditional Victorian style home with two dining rooms, beautiful kitchen and heated wood deck. It is a creative underground dinner events featuring both renowned & up-and-coming chefs every week. I just love their philosophy:

“For everything to remain as is, everything must change.

– Giuseppe di Lampedusa

Naked Kitchen is about embracing transparency.

Courage to step out from comfort into a space of innovation regardless of the risk.

Conscious of our actions while holding the best intentions for others and the environment.

Change as a driving force for creativity.

Having met the owner Kong Son, who is open to new ideas and dive into untapped field, I have decided to release my new series of abstract calligraphy paintings, titled “Soundscape” which I have been working on since last year. You can think of this event as a combination of art opening and a special course dinner, and relaxed lounge time afterwards. Yes it’s June already, a month for Gemini’s! June 17th is my birthday – so I’m going to celebrate with favorite people including *YOU*, it will be lovely to have great energies before a big journey. This memorable dinner will be presented by Anthony Yang from Michael Mina. Even if you can’t make it to the dinner, we will open the door for you if you’d like to swing by for a drink, hang out and enjoy art – it’s going to be a speaskeasy style, so please let me know if you are planning on coming! You can check the password on Facebook event invitation page or email me at info@aoiyamaguchi.com  – I can send you the password to your email!

I’m going to write more about “Soundscape” series in the next post. It’s an ongoing project, I will keep working on this series for the larger project in the future.

I have been dreaming about having an intimate dining experience surrounded by my artworks, with amazing food made with care, while favorite music serenades the space, with my dear friends. I am very looking forward to see you there, and share this special moment together.


今回、友人から紹介を受けて、サンフランシスコはミッション地区にあるNaked Kitchenというひと味変わった場所に作品を飾ることになりました。
Naked Kitchenでは、毎週今旬のシェフが一晩だけレストランから離れ、自分のオリジナルのメニューで自由にクリエイティビティを発揮出来るという場所で、一晩10人から30人程までの限定ディナーイベントを開催しています。チケットを買ったお客さんは、指定の時間にNaked Kitchenへ、好きなワインを片手に足を運びます。シェフのテイスティングメニューは毎回そのシェフが決める5〜6コースの一度しか味わえないメニューです。私も先日、一度参加してきました。シェフが料理するキッチンのカウンター席に座ると、目の前で全ての料理が作られていき、完成するまでを見る事が出来ます。シェフの思い入れや、コンセプトを聞く事が出来るのもこのスタイルならでは。普通のレストランではなかなか得られない、目と舌で存分楽しんだ3時間でした。今週末、6月15日(土)は、私がこのディナーイベントをNaked Kitchenと共に主催します。シェフはMichael Minaというレストランから、ナパの有名なFrench Laundryで働いた経験を持つAnthony Yangをフィーチャーします。

6月は私の誕生日月であり、アメリカ生活10年目を記念するアニバーサリー月でもあり、新たなパフォーマンスプロジェクト公演を公開する月でもあります。そんなタイミングでこのイベントを開催し、大切な友達やアートと食を嗜むみなさんと、良い時間を過ごせたらというのが今回の企画です。展示するのは去年から取り組んでいる新しいアブストラクト書道作品シリーズ「Soundscape (サウンドスケープ)」。「文字」という形から少し離れ、音楽を感じるまま線で表現しようという新たな試みで、それぞれ異なる音楽家/作家の曲をインスピレーションに制作しています。今回はその一部をNaked Kitchenの内装に展示します。このシリーズについては、また別のポストで詳細を書きたいと思います。



For more information, menu, reserving seats, please click:


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「サンフランシスコ通信」書の研究 2月&3月号掲載: Calligraphy Report featured in “Sho No Kenkyu”, Japan

Calligraphy, Media, Publications

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日本書道評論社から毎月発行されている「書の研究」に、私が去年10月に行なったサンフランシスコアジア美術館でのデモンストレーション&ワークショップ「新たなる伝統:源xシムラ – New Traditions: gen x Simula」に関するレポートが掲載されました。2月号と3月号の2ヶ月に渡り、大人版と子供版両方に掲載されています。



My report on the calligraphy demonstration and workshop “New Traditions: Simula x Gen” at Asian Rt Museum last October was featured in The International Calligraphy Association’s monthly journal “Sho No Kenkyu,” February and March issue consecutively. You can read them both in adult’s version and youth version of the journal.

This is a honorable achievement for me. I have been a member and studied Japanese calligraphy with this “Sho No Kenkyu” since when I was six. By submitting your work every month, you will get higher rank as you pass the inspection by calligraphy masters & judge committee. I continued practicing, studied under the master Zuiho Sato, and reached the highest rank 6 years in a row – and received the title of the master of Japanese calligraphy student when I was 14. Without Sho No Kenkyu, I won’t be here.

I hope you will have a chance to read this report (if you’re in Japan!), and if you could see that Japanese calligraphy is enjoyed by many people in overseas, you will make me feel really content with my work. Baby steps to the future.

Warmest energy to you.


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「癒月」Izakaya Yuzuki


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I recently worked on a commissioned artwork “Yuzuki” for Izakaya Yuzuki in San Francisco.

Our name Yuzuki (癒月) means healing moon. In Japan, many festivals, rituals and names honor the moon as it provides a healing presence and bestows warmth to your life. It is our hope that our food has this same nurturing effect.  (- Cited from the website)

Inspired by the meaning of “healing moon,”  I was imagining the soft moon illuminating the mystical clouds around it in the night sky of deep blue — and wrote “Yuzuki” using the diluted sumi ink. The color of the dark blue mat is coming from the color of the night sky. The healing moon welcomes you to dine in a relaxing atmosphere. Please visit the restaurant to experience their authentic Japanese food and sake if you are in San Francisco.


Photos of my works:  Krescent Carasso

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The New Republic “Ampersand”


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The New Republic "Ampersand"

The New Republic reached out to me to have me work on calligraphy version of “Ampersand” for the Books & the Arts section for the April 8th issue. New Republic was bought by Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes recently, and the very first Ampersand for the revamped New Republic was designed by Stefan Segmeister & Jessica Walsh. I am honored to be the artist for this issue. My original artwork was photographed by Martin Diegelman at the New Republic’s studio in NYC. Thank you Erick for your warm welcome to the fam. Grab the magazine while it’s available!

Photos above:
1. Ampersand, Sumi ink, Gold Paint on Japanese handmade paper. Worked & shot by myself.
2. Shot by Jen Kindell
3. Shot by Jen Kindell

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Art Shows, Calligraphy, Events

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On such a warm beautiful day like today, I am excited to announce that Sebastian Plano and I are going to perform together once again in June 2013.

We have been planning this for so long, since last year — and it is finally happening. If you missed our first collaboration show “Unibirth” at ArtPad at Phoenix Hotel in May 2012, this is your second chance…

Sebastian is such a talented musician / composer. His new album “Impetus” is scheduled to be released in September from a label in Berlin — and he has been working on a collaboration with Jeffrey Zeigler from Kronos Quartet (how exciting!). He is going to play songs from the new album at our show with his string quartet on this special night. I am going to perform live calligraphy, inspired by the visions that we both have, accompanied by him and the string quartet. Why do we collaborate? Because we both believe in each other’s aesthetics. I admire his sound, makes me dream. We both love the fact that we have similar background: coming from years of traditional, classical training since when we were little, and now create something anew in a contemporary approach by giving his imagination a voice, and by painting my own picture in unique way. Challenging, yes, but being true to who I really am.

We decided to do this show at Salle Pianos in Hayes Valley, where has been historically dedicated to pianos since 1920s.  Salon-style, intimate atmosphere — that is what we want. We want you to be close to us, hear us breathing, catch lights in our eyes, feel the subtle wind from my body movements, and really connect with our energy — and see your own “visions.”

VISIONS: Sebastian Plano + Aoi Yamaguchi 
@ Salle Pianos, San Francisco
Saturday June 8th, 8pm-
Pre-sale / VIP tix available here: http://visionsperformance.eventbrite.com
Limited seating of 130. Make sure to grub yours!

I am truly looking forward to share this precious moment with you.

– Beautiful photo by my dear May Xiong.

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(ダライ•ラマの仏教入門 ー 光文社 より抜粋)




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New Years Greetings!

Calligraphy, 随想

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To all of my family, friends, supporters and art lovers – wishing you a happy holidays & new years from the studio of Aoi Yamaguchi Calligraphy! Thank you so much for your generosity, love & support for the year of 2012. I am very thankful for having numbers of exciting opportunities to share my works and the beauty of traditional Japanese calligraphy, such as a collaborative performance with contemporary dancers in Tokyo & Kyoto, collaboration with a cellist and contemporary dancers at ArtPad SF, calligraphy demonstrations and workshops at the Asian Art Museum, collaborative performance with Japanese taiko drum performers at YBCA, and so many more. For this year, I continue to work herder on polishing my skills, introducing the history and the beauty of Japanese calligraphy to many other countries in the world, and will always challenge myself to create the visual “experience” that meshes the calligraphic art and its philosophical foundation. Looking forward to work with you and share more memorable moments with you all for the year of 2013!


Aoi Yamaguchi

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[NEW] ME+YOU Greeting Cards now available on online store!


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MeAndYou Cards

今年も新たにグリーティングカードを作りました。テーマは”ME + YOU”。カードの裏面から続く二本の線は、それぞれふたりの人を表していて、どのように交わるかによってふたりの運命を表現しています。
真ん中で一度交わりまた離れてゆく“Thinking of You”, だんだんと近くなり、最後までずっと一緒 “Now and Forever”, 心地よい距離を保ちながら平行線に歩いてゆく“Best Companions”, 全く違うところからやってきて突然一度交わる “It’s a Small World”の4種類、全て手書きのオリジナル、サイン入りです。一年の締めくくり、または新年のご挨拶に、お友達や家族、大切な人にメッセージを送ってみてはいかがですか?


It’s already December, the last month of 2012. I feel like I was just in Japan this January and started the year – time flies! Although it’s sunny, the air is really cold in San Francisco lately… how’s everyone?

I made a new series of greeting cards this year, with the theme of “ME+YOU.” The two lines, continued from the back to the front of the card, represent two strangers and show how their fate intertwine in their lifetime. There are four kinds: the lines merge once, and part again – meaning “Thinking of You.” The lines come close to each other, and stays until the end – “Now and Forever.” The parallel lines continues from the beginning to the end with a comfortable distance to each other – “Best Companions.” Two paths cross once, coming from totally different places – meaning “It’s a Small World.

Each artworks are original, hand-drawn and signed by me. Every card is unique and different. Why not send a nice and warm messages to your friends, family and loved ones? All available on the online store!




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[VIDEO] New Traditions: Simula x Gen @ Asian Art Museum + Calligraphy Worksheets FREE DOWNLOAD

Art Shows, Events, Video

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The video from our calligraphy demonstration at Asian Art Museum is now on their website under the Education section. In the video, Christian Cabuay and I are demonstrating calligraphy – writing “Origin” in Tagalog and Japanese.

You can also download the calligraphy worksheets for free from the download links on the site “Decoding Japanese Calligraphy” :) There are five different popular words – “Love,” “Happiness,” “Beauty,” “Peace,” and “Strength.” Feel free to make a copy and practice at home!

10月にアジア美術館で行なった書道デモンストレーションのビデオが、美術館のウェブサイトにアップされました。サイト上のDecoding Japanese Calligraphyというリンクからは、私が書き下ろしたお手本をダウンロードする事が出来ます。プリントアウトして、ぜひお家で息抜きに筆を持ってみてはいかがでしょうか?:)

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